Future Planning | Apps Development
Developed under Booststrap Start-up of Apps Developers. The development process of this game continue...
Version 1.0, provide the techinques and tooles of future plan.
App Features
Open network sockets
Access information about networks
Minimum Operating System: Android 4.4
App Features
Provide the techinques and tooles of future plan.
Included the child development.
Included the budget planning.
Provided the child educations.
Future Planning Screenshots
Apps Developers
Ms. Aparna Jadhav
B.C.A. |
Ms. Seema Khade
B.C.A. |
Let's Buy
Technical details
Size: 4.5MB
Version: 1.0
Developed By: Apps Devloper
Minimum Operating System:
Android 4.4
Future Planning product is bootstrap start-up version 1.0 product developed under TEDP program 2019-2020 | VidyaDeep Foundation, Satara